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There are some pros to dating apps. For instance, you can meet people fast, they are cheap to use, and you can get onto them from wherever you are – like home, work, vacation, or in the bathroom. But, there are also some downsides to dating apps.

More posts from the Baddatingprofiles community. Continue browsing in r/Baddatingprofiles. We show bad/cringy dating profiles for you to laugh at. Created Jun 22, 2021. Show off your successes online and enjoy the potential of dating with confidence, knowing that you know your credit score. Whatever you do, use your credit in the way that works for you. Be proud of it – and love how it helps you look great and get access to the financial world. Coined by dating app Hinge, Kittenfishing is when you portray yourself in an unrealistically positive light in your online dating profiles. We all do this to some extent, but kittenfishing crosses. . Hinge profiles have style and substance. Hinge CEO explains: “It’s like Instagram profiles for dating, and in beta testing, has driven five times the conversations.”. Rather than swiping, you interact with the dater’s profile content directly. The profiles scroll really naturally into photos, videos, and info about the person. The best dating sites for introverts, wallflowers, and anyone hesitant to try online dating Just because IRL meet-ups freak you out doesn't mean you can't still find that special someone.

5 Reasons You May Want To Avoid Dating Apps

The cons to dating apps go beyond affecting your dating life negatively, but they absolutely affect your dating life as well. Following are 5 of the biggest reasons that you may want to avoid dating apps altogether and just stick with the old fashioned way of meeting women.

1. They May Increase Your Chances Of An STD

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According to this article, there has been a record spike of STDs in the past few years, and they seem to correlate with the rise of social media and dating apps.

This makes sense, right? It’s easier than ever to find someone new who is looking for the same kind of fun you are, so meeting someone through a dating app, getting together, and hooking up can happen very fast.

The best thing you can do? Meet a woman, get to know her, get tested together, and then have sex. That is the only way to know if she has an STD and avoid getting one.

Reddit Dating Advice

But, the instant gratification that dating apps offer you when it comes to meeting a woman and hooking up may be too much to resist, so make sure you wear a condom. That’s your second best line of defense, and it is well worth the precaution.

2. Hackers Can Take Control Of Your Profile

According to this infographic, done by IBM security, hackers can do a lot with a dating apps to screw up your life.

They can:

  • Get control of your camera to spy on you
  • Listen in to confidential conversations
  • Send you malicious notifications
  • Find out where you live
  • Impersonate you
  • Get your credit card information from your phone’s wallet

These are dangers that you should consider when on dating apps. They can really mess up your life in more ways than one.

Learn more about what you can do to protect yourself on dating apps here.

3. They Can Lower Your Self-Confidence

Yes, dating apps make it easier to find someone, but they also make it easier to get rejected over and over again.

Online dating used to be for the shy people who didn’t have luck going out and meeting other people, but now online dating sites and dating apps are overrun with people who have very good social skills and are not looking for a shy person with low confidence.

I’ve heard many guys complain about getting rejected time after time, and they usually feel worse than when they started using the dating app.

That rejected feeling will affect all areas of your life, and it will affect your future ability to get women offline.

4. You Can Attract Some Really Bad Women Using Them

I’m not just talking about finding women that you think are great, but turn out to be completely different than you expected. I’m talking about attracting the wrong kind of women that will result in an unhappy relationship and a breakup not long down the road.

I’m talking about attracting women and relationships that are going to waste your time.

Inside the Love Shack forum, I was reading a post about a guy who was using dating apps, acting polite and normal, and not getting very many responses. Most of the women would look at his profile after they got a message from him, but not respond.

When he got pissed off enough, he started being a jerk about the whole thing.

In his anger, he started complaining about the whole process, and guess what? He started getting a lot more responses! In fact, his success rate improved by about 75%.

Here’s the problem: Now he is attracting complainers to him. These women obviously feel like they can suddenly relate to him because he is ranting about the dating apps and sites and how shitty they are. He’s attracting women who are attracted to those rants, which is not good for his dating life!

Women who are attracted to negativity are generally not going to be strong, happy, or successful women. They may even have some pretty messed up ways of interacting with other people, and that will result in an unhealthy relationship if you do get together.

If you want to attract women who have their shit together and don’t feel attracted to complainers in life, then be careful who you meet from dating apps. If you attracted them because you were a jerk or rude or negative, then they are probably not the right person for you!

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5. You May Start To Distrust People In General Thanks To Them

Lying online is just the way it is.

Women will want you to think they are what you are looking for, and they will lie to make you think that. They may lie about their age, weight, looks, work, or more.

They will most definitely choose the best picture possible for their profile, which means that the chances are very good they will look different when you meet up with them.

After a while of being lied to over and over again, you may start to distrust people. This can affect you in all areas of your life, and it can definitely affect your future relationships.

On A Lighter Note About Dating Apps

Here’s everything that is wrong (or right) with dating apps via Dave Franco & Conan.


Reddit is a killer resource for dating advice.

Since the many great dating subreddits have been around, however, tons of ground has been covered. And covered. And covered again.

That said, we challenged ourselves to narrow down a super-short list of all-time best Reddit dating advice.


Here’s our top 3 picks.

#3) Top Reddit Dating Advice: Mixed Signals


Most of the time “mixed signals” means “no.” Or, I don’t know what I want and I am a mixed up person, in a mixed up part of my life, or a flake. All of the above indicate that it’s often best to move on.

If there are “mixed” signals, the discouraging ones are the true ones, the encouraging ones are you just making too much of their common courtesy.

Also sometimes people want to string others along until something better comes around, or they genuinely don’t know what they want. Mostly, though, I think people are just cowards who don’t want to feel like the “bad guy” and maybe kinda hope the other person does the breaking up for them.

#2) Top Reddit Dating Advice: Shoot for Good Enough, Not Perfect


You’re both going to be nervous and you’re both going to say stupid things on the first date. Humour those things and don’t let them control the date. First dates have a different grading scale.

#1) Top Reddit Dating Advice: Rejection Doesn’t Mean Something Is Wrong With You


Be okay with rejection. One person’s rejection is not everyone’s opinion of you.

And the other person may be aware of some reason why you wouldn’t work as a couple. Incompatibility is a good reason to turn someone down and I think too many people dismiss it as an excuse.

_Gorge_ 41:

Bad Dating Profiles Reddit Free

I can’t tell you how many perfectly beautiful women I just couldn’t get into. Realizing this helps me avoid taking it personally when I get rejected. Sometimes it’s just not there and no explanation is necessary.

Psst… Make women or men go 😍😍😍 at your dating profiles

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