Dating App For Gym Rats


Gym rats are often so focused on sculpting their body to perfection that they might not notice how annoying they can become. But if you’re in a relationship with an exercise-addict, then you know the truth all too well! Luckily for you, if you’re struggling to deal with your gym rat I have some tips that might help!

1 Learn the Lingo

  1. A gym rat is someone who spends all their leisure time in the gym. Dating someone like this could be great depending on your personal goals, or this could be a struggle. This means that he is goal oriented. Building that lean sculptured body of his/hers takes a lot of time and dedication. Of course dating a goal oriented person is a great quality.
  2. Gymder Meet Gymder, a close cousin to dating apps like Tinder, purportedly designed as a 'social fitness' tool to link up gym rats around the world. (Need some other apps to help with your workout?.

First thing’s first: you have to speak the same language, and the language of love doesn’t always cut it. If your bae comes home every night talking about reps, sets, and maxing out, it might sound like they’re speaking a different language! Ideally, they could leave that kind of talk at the gym, but it doesn’t hurt to try to learn the lingo so you can talk about their hobby more easily.

2 Buy Ear Plugs

Have the daily 6 am alarms started bothering you yet? Don’t worry, they will. I’m pretty sure the only thing that has kept my dad—who religiously goes to the gym at 4 am—and my mom together all these years is ear plugs! Trust me, it’s so much easier to love someone when you don’t wake up wanting to punch them every day.

Band together to improve your fitness by competing in a group challenge. Enlist friends, family, teammates, colleagues, or whoever, to become gym rats. More effective than a simple step challenge, the goal is to workout more often; any activity counts. The app is free form and allows for creating your own rules of competition. This is probably great news for fans of the “social fitness” app Gymder, which is totally and definitely not just an app for people who hope to hookup with fellow gym rats (according to the.

3 Don’t Look at the Bills

Between workout gear, gym memberships, protein bars, and expensive pre- and post-workout drinks, being healthy can become a black hole in your bank account. If you enjoy the bliss of not fighting about money, I recommend you adopt a “no questions asked” policy when it comes to your partner’s fitness purchases. I mean, if it results in buff arms for you to cuddle at night... can you really complain?

4 Join in

If the alien language, early mornings, and high prices haven’t scared you away, then you should consider joining in on the fun! Your significant other will love training you and helping you grow as gym mouse. Plus, you will become “couple goals” before you know it!

5 Participate

Joining doesn’t mean you have to go all in with the 6-day high-intensity gym routine. You can participate in your partner’s hobby by stretching with them in the evenings, discussing the latest trends in nutrition and fitness, and maybe going for a Saturday morning jog. You don’t have to transform your life to keep up with them, but you might just find a new way to bond through exercise.

6 Come Prepared

Excited for a romantic weekend getaway? If that hotel has a gym, or even just enough floor space, expect your significant other to squeeze in a workout or five! The best bet is to always come prepared with a cute workout outfit just in case the gym rat finds their “cheese”.

7 Learn to Love the Mirror

Dating App For Gym Rats Online


Dating App For Gym Rats 2020

Gym rats love checking their muscles in the mirror. When you’re constantly with someone who is in amazing shape, it can be easy for self-doubt to creep in. Don’t let it! You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are! So check out yourself in the mirror too because confidence is the sexiest trait you can have!

Dating App For Gym Rats List

Dating a gym rat can be fun for both of you, you just have to be prepared for clashes in lifestyle from time to time. But as long as you know how to deal with issues as they arise, you shouldn't have any problems! How do you handle your gym rat bae?

Dating App For Gym Rats Free

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