Dating Apps For Healthcare Professionals

  1. Dating Apps For Healthcare Professionals 2019
  2. Is There A Dating Site For Medical Professionals
  3. Dating App For Mental Health Professionals

If you own a cell phone and are, you know, breathing, then chances are, you have at least one dating app on there. After all, who can resist having what's essentially an all-you-can-date buffet at your finger tips? But here's the thing: Yes, dating apps basically mean you have a nearly endless supply of potential dates literally in our pocket, but is that a good thing? We're all still learning how using dating apps affects your mental health. This sheer abundance of romantic options have vastly changed the way we date from how it used to be back in the ancient times of and — gasp — meeting face-to-face. Yes, dating apps make it unprecedentedly convenient to find a date for Friday night, but it's not without consequence.

Are dating apps bad for us? Are we making ourselves... lovesick? To get a professional opinion, I reached out to some experts to help uncover the surprising impact of using dating apps on our mental health and well-being. And spoiler alert: Yep, they definitely have an effect. Fortunately, the experts also offered insight on how to combat the negative effects and embrace the positive. Here's what they had to say.

Using Dating Apps Can Lead To Increased Anxiety And Depression

The app is free, with an optional subscription for an ad-free and incognito-mode experience. If you're looking for fellow Black singles who share your interests, BLK is a dating app that specializes in finding that connection in their community of users.

  1. Professionals can’t count on love just happening — unless they have the connective power of dating apps like Happn working hard to make it happen. The way this dating app works is by using real-time GPS data to discover those missed love connections that occur on your way to work, while in line for coffee, during a trip to the dog park,.
  2. Medical Passions is a stand-alone free Medical Dating Site and if it isn't 100% clear yet, Medical Passions has been designed specifically for the Medical community. Separately, it is also part of a much (much) larger network of niche dating sites.

Using a dating app can be really fun and satisfying, especially at first, and even more so when you get a match. However, there is also a lot of exposure to rejection. The fact that the rejection is not experienced directly (as in face to face) may seem like it softens the effect at first, but it's actually cumulative.


Low match rates and crude messages, not to mention ghosting, can actually make regular users more cynical about potential dates over time. So it's little surprise that Anita Chlipala, a licensed therapist and dating expert, says she sees 'more anxiety and sometimes depression' develop in clients using dating apps.

Regular Rejection On Dating Apps Can Lower Your Self-Esteem

Dating Apps For Healthcare Professionals

Over time, the rejection experienced on dating apps can also have a negative effect on how you feel about yourself. 'I've worked with singles who are online dating where their self-esteem has taken a hit,' says Chlipala. 'They wonder what is wrong with them, and they've developed a 'guard' because they've been hurt so many times.'

Dating App Use Can Make It Easier To Give Up On Relationships

Using dating apps may also have the surprising effect of making users less inclined to work on their current relationships. According to Chlipala, it can encourage users to feel like the grass is always greener on the next right swipe. 'It's important to take a look at our actions and see if we are doing things that are negatively impacting our dating, such as being too dismissive or thinking that a better person is just a swipe away,' says Chlipala.

The reason this is a problem, she says, is that in having this kind of attitude, we create unhappiness in our current relationships because we think 'things would be better with someone else,' rather than actually working on our current relationship to make it better.

How To Mitigate Some Of The Effects Of Dating App Use

So here's the good news: You don't have to immediately delete all your dating apps to avoid these negative emotional and psychological effects — you just have to change the way you use them. For Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes, a licensed psychologist and founder of Rapport Relationships, it comes down to simply, being more mindful. 'Practice being in the present moment with your date and screening effectively. It is not the app, per se, that causes the problems. It is how someone uses it,' says Rhodes. And when you do meet someone, Rhodes says to 'get off the app!'

For Chlipala, the answer is to take it easy on yourself. 'It's important for singles not to take dating personally,' she says. 'I know it's easier said than done, but there could be any number of reasons why someone isn't interested in seeing you again. It doesn't mean you're not as worthy or great.'

Yes, dating apps can be very addictive, sometimes, but like all things, use them in moderation. If you start to feel some of these negative effects, take a break and focus on remembering why you are so amazing and totally worthy of all the right swipes.

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If you are running around from meetings to lunch to conference calls to more meetings, the last thing you have time to squeeze into your busy schedule is swiping through a dating app, much less going on actual dates. But if you are hell-bent on finding someone special, what are the best dating apps for young professionals? Though Tinder, OkCupid, Hitch, Hinge, Bumble and the like are usually my go-to recommendations for dating apps, they hold far too large a cross-section of the general public for the professional subset. If you're working 80-hour weeks and want someone who maintains a similarly breakneck pace, you have to steer clear of the usual suspects, dating app–wise, and branch out to alternate ground.

Dating Apps For Healthcare Professionals 2019

BeLinked is an obvious choice, as it uses your LinkedIn account the way Tinder uses your Facebook profile, but this is not your only option. I found a lot of lesser-known possibilities for professionals, such as Raya, Dapper, and The Dating Lounge, and though they all vary in theme and content, they have one thing in common: A high yield of professionals who log into the apps on the regs. Here are the top 10 dating apps for professionals.

Check out Bustle's 'Save The Date' and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.

1. BeLinked


As the name might tell you, BeLinked dating app uses not your Facebook profile but your LinkedIn account to log in, which is a good signifier of how the app functions in general. BeLinked is for professionals, so if you're chillin' on your mom's couch and plan on staying there for a long time, more power to you, but this app may not be the best fit. If you're a driven, ambitious and motivated career gal, this is the dating app for you.

2. The League

The League dating app is highly selective, and profiles pull in your Linkedin and Facebook info. There is a waiting list to get on the app, but if you have a friend who's on there — they can give you a VIP ticket which lets you cut the line. But there's nothing stopping you from applying if you so desire, especially if you're looking for other career-minded folks.

3. Dapper

If you're working all the time, you probably don't have an extra second to schedule dates. Dapper handles this for you; if you have a match, the app will suggest a time and place for an 'awesome first date.' When you're booked bumper-to-bumper with meetings all day, the last thing you have mental energy for is dreaming up the perfect first date, so this app will be super helpful to over scheduled professionals.

4. The Dating Lounge

As with Hitch, where you get to play matchmaker, and Hinge, where you date friends of Facebook friends, The Dating Lounge connects people that are friends of friends on Facebook, and mutual pals can play cupid and introduce friends via the app. It's also an invite-only app, which promises to weed out scammers and randos, and present you with a more curated selection of dates. Perfect for those of us profesh enough to need date curation.

5. Suitr

Dating app Suitr is specifically for professionals, so it wins a stamp of approval from white-collars right there. Also, their 'team of dating experts' review everyone who signs up, and if you're not actually a professional, you're weeded out. A word of advice: Critics of the app complain that you can never delete your profile, so be sure you really want to, uh, suit up before you join.

6. Whim

Once again, this app caters to those who have no extra time — just pop in the dates and times you're free in any given week, and this app will schedule some dates for you. Whim is not totally willy-nilly — you browse people's profiles and flag the ones you're interested in meeting; if they flag you back, the app does the scheduling for you.

7. Raya

Like The League, Raya dating app is application-based. If you're accepted, the app — 'for people in creative industries' — will link you with other special chosen ones. The membership-only dating app design is like Soho House for the online world of love-searching (or date-searching, whatever), and has a monthly fee, so this generally appeals mostly to those who are creative professionals — aka celebrities.

Is There A Dating Site For Medical Professionals

8. Teased

Dating app Teased is less about profile photos and more about experiential data — what is this potential date really like? What do they like to do, and where do they like to go? The app is populated with your Instagram photos, and places deep emphasis on getting to know someone inside and out, as opposed to the Tinder hot-or-not sensibility. Professionals who have lived exciting lives would probably do well here.

9. Match

Of course, I have to include Match's dating app, which is the premier app for finding an actual relationship. If you've got it all — high-level career, beautiful home, great friends, amazing family — but you want to stop checking the 'single' box on forms, Match is probably your best bet for finding something serious.

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Dating App For Mental Health Professionals

Images: Fotolia; iTunes (10)