Dating Profile Write Up


The 3 most important components to an attractive dating profile are your photos, headline, and text. Here are 4 online dating profiles examples to attract men, and some tips to ensure you don’t send the wrong signal: 1. Look at Other People’s Profiles for Ideas. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that appears to be true. Once you’ve managed to create a great first impression with your account photos, you have to not screw up with what you write in your bio. How to write a good online dating profile? Stick to the following rules. Do show you have a sense of humor. Show like you take it really easy. Do share some of your values.

When it comes to success in online dating, it all comes down to three things: your profile, your photos, and your strategy. With online dating apps split between discovery apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge and apps like Match, POF, Zoosk, and eHarmony knowing how to write the best dating profile for the dating app you are can be confusing.

In today’s blog, we are going to break down the basics of how to write a profile that attracts the people you want to meet.

How to Write a Profile for Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge

Discovery, or Swipe, apps changed the way people date when Tinder first came onto the market in 2012. Where you used to have to write a long profile, now you were limited to no more than 500 characters.

Also, instead of searching through profiles, you swiped through photos, only stopping to read the ones that grabbed your attention. The result is a type of dating that feels more like a video game.

This makes spending time on these apps easier, but it can make finding a connection on apps like Tinder, Bumble, or Hinge that much harder.

What Are People Doing Wrong?

With only 500 characters on Tinder, 350 on Bumble, and only 150 per answer on Hinge, people feel like their only chance is to stand out with a profile so clever that the reader would want to not only swipe right but share it on their Instagram account.

This is the wrong way to go.

When you try to be clever or funny, it often just sounds forced and disingenuous. You don’t need to entertain the masses to get your profile swiped on. You just need to connect with people. You are never going to get a good connection with a sales pitch, and that’s what half the people on these apps are doing.

Sadly, the other half are just listing adjectives like features on a used car… because there’s nothing people want to read more than a list.

How do I write my Tinder or Bumble profile?

We will have a more in-depth post coming out on this soon, but the basics are pretty easy.

  • Forget the sales pitch
    • You can’t convince people to like you if there’s no connection. Just be yourself. It is the only way you will connect with the right people.
  • Leave the list behind
    • Instead of filling space with a ton of useless adjectives, pick three things that matter to you. Write a full sentence for each one of them, giving context and color. That way you aren’t just saying you love concerts, you are creating a conversation starter by telling them about the best show you’ve ever been to or your dream concert. This context is what will grab people. If they liked your photos enough that they wanted to read your profile, this is the kind of stuff that will make them want to get to know you. Lists just don’t do that for you.
  • Tell a story
    • If the previous suggestion doesn’t grab you, pick one thing, a story from your life that tells who you are. That’s the only thing you have to write about. When people read that, they’ll get a sense of who you are, and that will help them determine if they would actually want to spend time with you.
  • Use the space they give you
    • I’m constantly amazed at how many people use less than 100 characters of their allotted space on their profiles. The number of characters between the number 3 and the start of this sentence is already 143. When you leave a profile blank, or you write the least amount that you think you can get away with, you show people that you don’t really care about how you present yourself and you are mainly focused on photos. Even if that was true, you’ll still have a much better rate of success if you put in that little bit of extra effort.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
    • Whether you need an objective eye on your photos or you need help writing your Tinder/ Bumble profile, we’ve got you covered. We’ve created a suite of services specifically to help you improve your success with Tinder and Bumble. Check them out HERE.

How Do I Write My Hinge Profile?

Hinge is actually our favorite discovery dating app. While not as large as Tinder or Bumble, It has a design that is far more conducive to starting conversations and connecting than any of its discovery competitors. Here are two big tips that everyone needs to make sure they follow when they write their Hinge profile.

  • Choose the right questions
    • When people call me for help with their Hinge profile, one of the first problems I notice is that they usually choose questions because they think other people want to read the answers, not because they had any interest in answering them. If you don’t pick questions that interest you, your answers are going to suck! It only takes five minutes to read through all of the questions they give you to choose from. If you don’t have an answer in your head for that question, pick a different one. If you have to sit and ponder what your answer should be to a question, you shouldn’t be trying to answer that profile question.
  • Give full answers
    • There is no dating app where people are more guilty of one-word answers than on Hinge. You have 150 characters. It’s not a lot. It’s two letters more than I wrote in the last two sentences. When you answer a question, make sure you take the time to give your answer context. Instead of just saying you can’t live without Italian food, tell people that one special dish that always makes a bad day better for you.
  • Call in the experts
    • If you get stuck on your Hinge profile, we’ve created a special service just for you. With this service, you can hop on the phone with one of our dating profile writers and have your new profile in as little as 20 minutes! Check it out HERE.

How to Write a Profile for Match, Pof, Zoosk, Harmony, or Okcupid

Traditional dating apps like Match, POF, Zoosk, eHarmony, and OKC are where most of the real relationship-seekers are when it comes to online dating. Most of these dating apps require a paid membership, and they all require a much longer profile than you’ll see on Discovery apps.

Another big thing to realize about these dating apps is that they draw a more mature crowd than discovery apps. I would not generally recommend any of these apps (other than OKC) to anyone under 32. With all of that in mind, here are some tips to help you write your dating profile:

  • Show don’t tell
    • Most people are a recipe: I’m funny, outgoing, loyal, kind, athletic. People don’t want to eat the recipe, they want to eat the cake. Never list things about you. Take the list of things that you want to say, cut it in half, and then make sure that each of those things has a comment added to it that brings it to life and gives it context. That’s what will take you from flour, eggs, sugar, and cocoa to a moist, delicious chocolate cake.
  • Watch your “I”s
    • You can make the world’s most interesting person sound like the world’s most boring person if every sentence about yourself starts with the word “I.” Make sure to use transitional phrasing in your sentences and it will do a much better job of creating a connection with prospective matches.
  • Remember your audience
    • Most people think they need to write a profile that attracts the most people. That’s just wrong. Your profile should actually repel around 99% of the people who see it. The only people who matter are the ones with whom you share actual compatibility. Don’t worry about attracting everyone else.
  • Don’t worry about funny, worry about you
    • People always ask me to make their profile funnier or more clever, but that’s not always the best plan. Funny and clever is great if you have a funny story to share or something that is naturally clever. Trying to force it into the profile just makes you sound like a salesman. If you really want to add humor, the best way is through an anecdote. Other than that, just focus on being yourself.
  • Don’t ask for things that are normal parts of healthy relationships
    • You’ll often see people say they want to meet someone honest and loyal, or someone who doesn’t play games and is looking for a monogamous relationship. While all of these things sound reasonable, they are also things that you shouldn’t have to ask for. When you do ask, it makes it sound like you are still dealing with issues from past relationships where you were lied to or cheated on.
  • Don’t write too little, or too much
    • The worst thing you can do in a traditional profile is to write the same kind of profile that you would for a discovery dating app. You have space. Use it! A good profile is going to be at least 150 words long. However, if it goes over 300 words, fewer people are going to be willing to read it.
  • Give me a call
    • If you’ve read all these tips and still feel confused, or like you would rather have a professional take care of it for you, give e a call at 888-447-7634. We can talk about your concerns and come up with a plan to make sure you have a great dating profile. You can also check out all of our dating profile writing services HERE.

Bonus Tip For OKCupid and eHarmony Profiles

Unlike the other dating profiles, eHarmony and OKCupid break their profiles up into a series of questions.

It is really important that you answer EVERY question. This is not the time or place to get lazy. Take the time to answer them all, and make sure that you give full answers. One word answers are just going to make it look like you don’t really care about meeting someone.

Get Out There and Put Your Best Foot Forward with a Dating Profile That Stands Out From The Crowd

That’s it for today. These are some of the core ideas behind how to write a great dating profile. If you’ve made it this far, but you are stuck, don’t worry. I’ve been helping singles with their dating profiles for the last sixteen years. I’m here for you.

Just give me a call at 888-447-7634, or send me a message HERE.

I started working as a dating profile writer with in 2004 before launching in 2005. Over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with over 15,000 singles to write their dating profiles and coach them on the secrets to online dating success. In that time, I’ve seen the fall of dating sites like PerfectMatch and AmericanSingles and the Rise of a new era of apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. I’ve also seen dozens of dating profile writing companies rise and fall.

As I get ready to celebrate my first wedding anniversary with the amazing woman I met on a dating site, my belief that online dating can be an amazing way to find love has never been stronger. I also believe, more than ever, that most people write horrible profiles and post ill-advised photos. There are very few people who wouldn’t benefit from the helping hand of a dating profile writer, but it is important to know that not all of us are created equal.


While I’d love for you all to choose ProfileHelper as your dating profile writing service, I know that not everyone will. Whether you choose to use me for help or go to my competitors, I wanted to make sure that you find someone who can give you the help you need and that you deserve. With that in mind, I’ve created this list of 7 great things you should look for in a good dating profile writer and 7 bad things you should watch out for.

7 great things To Look For in a Dating Profile Writer

1. Experience as an online dater
It doesn’t matter how good of a writer you are if you haven’t been an online dater, you don’t have what it takes to write online dating profiles. Before I ever started, I was an online dater. In the early days of my company, I hired writers with backgrounds ranging from journalism to marketing and even a screenwriter.

Dating Profile Write Up

Every writer I hired without online dating experience was awful. Their profiles were well-written, but they weren’t good dating profiles. There is a big difference between the way people think online dating works and the way it actually works. You really need to have experienced it for yourself before you can help others.

2. A professional-looking website
When you hire a dating profile writer, you are hiring someone to help present you in the best possible light. If they can’t even put in the effort to present themselves well to you, how can you expect them to represent you well to the rest of the world?

3. A working Phone Number
There are some services that rely on automated systems and as little communication between you and the dating profile writer is possible. This might be efficient, but it isn’t a great way to get your dating profile written. Ideally, any good dating profile writer’s website will have multiple ways that you can reach out to them (we have a contact page, a chat app that can be accessed on any page of our website and our toll-free number: 888-447-7634).

If you are sending an email, the writer should get back to you in no more than 24 hours. If you are calling a toll-free number, they should get back to you on the same day. When I get a call that I can’t answer immediately I will do everything in my power to try and call you back within the hour. If someone can’t be bothered to get back to you in a timely fashion before you have purchased their service, imagine how hard it will be to reach them after they have your money.

4. A Willingness to answer questions that go beyond the profile
A good dating profile writer should be able to answer any question you have about the differences in profiles from eHarmony to Match to EliteSingles, but they should also know how each dating site works, which dating site would be the best one for your age and dating goals, as well as being able to help you determine if online dating is even the right option for you.

Over the years, I have had several people come to me after they had already purchased services from my competitors. There have been numerous occasions when, after talking to them, it was clear that they should not be on any dating site… at least not yet. They were either still licking the wounds of a failed relationship or mourning the recent loss of a beloved spouse. These people were not ready to date. They were grieving, angry, and unable to look forward in a healthy way. Sure, they could have joined a dating site, but they would have been guaranteed to fail based on their attitudes and lack of a real dating goal. While this is my business, I refuse to sell a service to someone I think would be hurt by participating in online dating. Any good dating profile writer will also follow this golden rule.

5. Unlimited revisions of your new profile/ A complete refund policy
If you are going to pay someone to write your dating profile, the service you order should not be considered complete until you are totally satisfied with it. There should never be a limit to the number of revisions that your dating profile writer offers you. You should also never have to pay for additional revisions. You hired them to write you a profile that you feel represents you. Their job isn’t complete until they’ve accomplished that. In the end, if they can’t write a profile that makes you happy, they should be willing to offer you a complete refund of your purchase.

Each of our profile writing services includes unlimited revisions to ensure that you can start dating with a profile that you love and that you feel truly represents you. If we still can’t make you happy, we will refund your complete purchase price, no questions asked. In the fifteen years since I have started Profilehelper, less than 1% of our clients have ever asked us for a refund.

6. Photo reviews included in your profile
If you purchase a profile writing service from a reputable dating profile writer, a review of your photos should also be included in your order. The profile is a vital part of your online dating success, but it won’t get read if your photos don’t help you make a great first impression.

Look for a dating profile writer who will go through your photos with you (either through email or on the phone). They should be able to help you pick your primary image as well as at least 3-5 additional photos to use on your dating profile. They should also be able to offer you tips on what you are missing and how to take those photos without having to spend extra money on a professional photographer.

At ProfileHelper, I will work with you to make sure that you have the photos you need for your profile. I will also be happy to look at any other photos you would like to add to your dating profile for the rest of your single life, at no extra charge.

7. They will help you get out of your own way
One of the biggest difference between a good dating profile writer and a bad one is that the good dating profile writer will help you get out of your own way so that you can shine through in the best possible way. Meanwhile, a bad dating profile writer will try to make you sound more funny and clever, and try to sell you in your profile. You don’t need to be sold to the right person and why would you want more attention from the wrong people?

Online dating success isn’t measured in the number of messages you get or the number of first dates you go on. It’s measured in the number of 10th dates that you go on. When you get to a 10th date, you are in a relationship. Almost no one likes dating. Dating should never be your goal when it comes to meeting someone online. Your goal should be to find a great relationship in as few first dates as possible.

7 Things To Avoid in a Dating Profile Writer

1. They overpromise
If you talk to a dating profile writer or visit a site for one that promises to get you a ton of dates, don’t trust them. The only thing that any dating profile writer can ethically promise you is that they’ll work with you to create a great profile that you feel represents you in the best possible light. If they are promising you any more than that, they are more geared towards the pick-up artist style of dating and not relationship-based dating.

2. They want to keep selling to you
A good dating profile writer will sell you the service that you need, and that is it. They won’t try to keep upselling you on a more expensive service and they won’t try to tack on other services. It is one thing if you are going to purchase coaching time from someone, but be wary of any dating profile services that seem more interested in selling you additional packages (messaging, video classes, etc…) than making sure they can help you in the most efficient and affordable way possible.

Single Mom Dating Profile Write Up

3. They want to manage your messages for you
One of the worst things to happen to the dating profile and dating coach industry over the last couple of years is the rise of services that manage your messages for you. That means they will pretend to be you and message people on your behalf. It’s one thing for someone to help you with your profile, it is a completely different thing for them to pretend to be you on a dating site. Aside from it being against the Terms Of Service of just about every dating site (you’ll be banned if you get caught), it’s considered creepy and unethical by nearly everyone who has been on the other side of one of these fraudulent messages.

A good dating profile writer can help teach you the best way to start messaging someone on a dating site, but it is up to you to communicate with people yourself. It’s the only way to develop a real connection with someone.

4. They sound more like pick-up artists than normal humans
Be very nervous when you come across a dating profile writing site that is trying to sound cool. These aren’t real people. They are pick-up artists. Pick-up artists teach you how to prey on the most vulnerable people for quick hits of satisfaction. They don’t help you find a loving, lasting relationship.

Look for dating profile writers who are focused on finding you a relationship, not just ‘more dates’. If their pitch puts any focus on finding attractive, sexy, or hot men or women, run away as fast as you possibly can! Of course, we all want to find someone that we think is attractive, but catering a profile to people you think are hot, without being true to yourself and what you actually want in a partner is a disaster waiting to happen.

5. They won’t stand behind their work
You might be hiring someone to write your dating profile, but when all is said and done, you have to live with it. You are trusting someone to put your words and thoughts together in a way that helps you stand out to the right people. If they don’t get it right the first, second, or tenth time, they should be willing to continue working on it with you at no additional charge until you are happy.

Writing Dating Profile Examples

If they can’t create a profile for you that you’d be proud to have represent you on a dating site, they should be willing to offer you a full refund. Ask them if they’ll do that before you buy a profile from them. If they won’t, don’t trust them with your money.

6. They rely on questionnaires
Be wary of any dating profile company that relies solely on questionnaires. It is true that we offer some essay-based services for people who don’t want to talk to someone, but we’ll never have one of our profile consultation clients go through the hassle of filling out a questionnaire. They can lead to profiles sounding too similar and they can stifle the organic process of a great profile interview. A good dating profile writer can pull everything they need for your profile out of you in a phone conversation.

7. They won’t talk to you
You can tell a lot about someone by talking to them. You should never hire an online dating profile writer without talking to them and getting a feel for who they are. The way they answer your questions on a call are a lot more important than what it says in the FAQ of any website. Ask them why they do what they do, how long they’ve been doing it, and what they’d consider a successful outcome for you. If you can’t get in touch with the person who will be writing your profile, or you aren’t happy with their answers to your questions, they are probably not the right dating profile writer for you.

I really hope this helps you if you are thinking about hiring a dating profile writing service like ProfileHelper. It is important to know that there’s no shame in asking for help when it comes to your dating profile. I’ve had everyone from school teachers and engineers to reporters for some of the world’s largest newspapers and CEOs for Fortune 100 companies as clients. Writing about yourself is hard. If you have any questions about what we do and how we can help you, give me a call at our toll-free number: 888-447-7634 or send me a note through our Contact Us page. You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Let me help you make sure you put yourself out there with photos and a profile that shows the world how great you are!