Examples Of Christian Dating Profiles For Females

Example of women

Worldwide, as we speak now, more than 7,500 dating site exists and 66% of all the
online daters have dated someone for a long time whom they have met online.
Till now, everything was picture-perfect.

But, do you know that less than 25% of the online dating profiles of women get more
than 60% of the responses from male profiles. So what are the key components of best online dating profiles for females?

Make sure your page including profile photo reflects the real you! Only then it will work for 100%. Senior Dating Profile Examples. It is better to see once on your own, than be told about for a thousand times. Here you have good senior dating profile examples that will help you reach your goal in senior online dating. All you need is to read a bunch of good and bad online dating profile examples to attract men. Examples of Good Profiles If you want to learn how to write a dating profile that will attract the male audience, you should draw inspiration from checking other women’s bios and use the one you like as an online dating profile template. Oct 2, 2018 - Examples of good online dating profile examples for men that you can use as a template or inspiration. Get an idea of what works!. See more ideas about online dating profile examples, online dating profile, dating profile. In these profile examples we went on to Match.com and randomly selected a few online dating profiles to show some of the biggest mistakes people make when writing their own profiles. We covered up their photos and names to protect their privacy, but their words are 100% real.

  • A recent and intriguing profile photo which will speak for your personality
  • A catchy headline that will make you stand out from the crowd and will also outline your personality
  • An about text is the best way to answer why you’re here, what type of partner you are looking for

Here are a few steps how you can make your profile stand out from the rest and also can expect most of the first moves from the men:

  1. Get inspiration from the similar profiles

    Now the controversy whether copying from another’s profile or content is a good thing or not will keep going on. But we say, copying and getting inspiration from are two different things. Like in DoULike only, there are thousands of profiles with almost the same objectives and bio. Look for different well-doing profiles; try to find out the common wow-factor and get inspiration from. From an excellent quote at the headline to a brilliantly added super short video, there’s nothing harm in researching and finding out what suits you the best.

  2. A good quality profile photo can turn the table

    A 2018 research publishes that 9 out of 10 users see the profile picture as the first thing at a woman’s profile. If you have searched for examples of dating profiles for females you must have seen that profile with old pictures, noisy background or too low-resolution pictures are hardly noticed.

    What makes a profile picture a good one?

    • A clear photo focused on your face
    • Front-facing pictures are always preferable
    • The background should cause the least distraction
    • Create a gallery with every type activity you love and have mentioned in your bio (if you have written you love dancing and all the pictures in your gallery are of only skydiving, this will create confusion only)

    What makes a profile photo not-so-good one?

    • Group photos with 5 of your other friends
    • Don’t use overly sexual photos
    • Don’t use pictures with any too controversial comment
  3. Write a headline that stands out from the crowd

    Just after seeing your profile picture, the very next thing a surfer will check for is your headline. Also, this is the perfect chance to strengthen the notion that the viewer has made after seeing your profile picture.

    Check yourself dating profile examples for women and you will see, distinct and directive words like ‘fashion’, ‘surfing’, ‘passion’, ‘yoga’, ‘life’ etc.

    So, how does a good headline look like?

    • Should represent the woman within a sentence
    • Her career, interest and goal: all should be touched
    • Run split-testing and see which one works the best

    What are no-nos for a headline?

    • Vague headlines or irrelevant quotes just for the sake of using
    • Don’t use less-enthusiastic phrases like ‘just checking out’ or ‘just stumbled upon here’
  4. Here are some examples of how your dream headline should look like:

    • “A teacher by profession; a rider by passion; a dreamer by heart”
    • “Loved what I did; so a professional scuba diver today with a kid”
    • “Serious about life; not too serious to forget how to love; live and Laugh”
  5. A good username is way more powerful than you’ve ever thought

    Trust us; online dating usernames for females are a thing that you can see with most varieties. In our multiple researches on which usernames work the best and scientific reasons behind it, we’ve seen the funniest to the creepiest usernames possible.

    A 2010 academic study has proved that women use words that reflect their intelligence as online dating profile examples to attract men.

    So, what a good username should include?

    • Include a word or fragment that attractive archetype
    • Your username should preferably include a part of your actual name at least
    • Sometimes a hint of your occupation and your passion at the username work pretty well
  6. Go in details while adding details

    Running DoULike how you see now was not a child’s play anyway. During its growing phase, we were into sorting; filtering and analyzing zillions of dating profile examples for women and to figure out the secret sauce how the online dating industry can work the best.

    One of the main things that we’ve found that matters is how you add the details to your profile. What are the keys to write a profile detail that keeps the reader wanting for more? First and foremost, restrict the overuse of bombastic adjectives like ‘highly educated’, ‘compassionate’, ‘independent’, ‘intelligent’, ‘witty’ etc. Sometimes less is indeed more.

    Here are a few more steps towards a précised, smart and alluring profile which is just too good to be ignored:

    • Use your creativity; that’s the easiest way to stand out from the crowd. As an example, instead of saying “I have been in marketing since last 5 years”; put it like this “It’s been 5 years in my endeavour to present things a better way to who need it; what is called marketing in other words.”
    • Start your bio detail with letting the man know about your take on life and with which objective you have signed up.

    You may start like this, “Have grown listening since childhood. There’s only one constant; change. Abiding by the theorem; living my life the fullest as a clinical psychologist and in search of a true soul mate for extending every bit of it.”

  7. Use relevant quotes to emphasise your presence

    To answer ‘how to write a dating profile for a woman’, we might not keep ‘relevant quotes in the about-me section’ as a mandatory addition but this is a brilliant way of shining out. Some good examples of quotes can be of positivity, life goals, relationship goal etc.

    • One small positive thought in the morning can change the whole day
    • It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice
    • Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life
    • Love is the answer to everything. It’s the only reason to do anything
  8. Grammar and punctuation: often heavily underestimated

    If you start sorting best online dating profiles for females, trust me; you’re destined to overlook this blunder. Poor knowledge in grammar and punctuation comes at the top list of the turn off factors for men especially who are searching for long-term partners. Though a non-professional platform but using short forms like ‘pls’ instead of ‘please’ and ‘wht’ instead of ‘what’ gives a sense of casual approach.

    Also, in today’s digital world, there are hundreds of online spell and grammar checker tools available. It’s thousand times better to take help of one of them than wrongly being underestimated.

    Okay, so; by now we more or less know how perfect female dating profile examples look like. Now, let’s dig deeper into a more serious concern.

  9. Leave them wanting for more

    A mysterious profile? A profile every sentence of which leaves the reader caving for the next?

    Well; this is not achievable with some isolated trick but it is actually a combination of all the above-mentioned tricks and something in addition.

    The First paragraph of your intro plays the most important role in whether he will stick to your profile or mover to the next one. Here’s the trick is, give important highlights of you but never complete a circle.

    Here’s an example how you can write it the best way:

    “How about cave diving at Wingate’s Well, Florida or a boho-tan and beach volleyball at Miami Beach with a person whom dogs love and computer viruses hate?”

    Describing your occupation should not be as straightforward as it sounds. Never show your open dissatisfaction on your job. If you’re a software engineer, here’s how this part can be written:

    “Monday to Friday you’ll find me debugging codes to the perfection for making people’s life a bit smoother and faster.” At the weekend, being a Scuba diving instructor fills both my passion and pocket.”

    Next, give your readers a hint of your daily life. Start with your philosophy on life. Share your thought on work-life balance. Mention your hobbies and what type of activities you like to do when you are with your friends. Your profile should always carry a positive tone which will be transmitted to the reader.

    When people come to a dating site, what they do look for?

    A person who will discuss the company’s growth rate with him?


    A person who can solve your familial issues?


    A person who can affirm how life actually sucks?


    People actually come to dating profiles to have a break from their troublesome monotonous life.

    Therefore, the best way to attract your handsome hunk to your profile is to make it fun and an enjoyable-read.

    Here are examples on all the steps how you can make your profile stand out at each step:

    Funny Headlines

    • Dare to see how it ends? Or bear it for lifelong?
    • Hey, you! My Mr. Right!
    • It always takes more to get the exceptional! Have you joined the bandwagon?
    • 5’10” and tanned qualifies for reading this profile!

    Here are a few additional examples and tricks to write the perfect witty profile for a woman that just touches the correct cord of every man’s heart:

    • The first sentence should be a bang. More than 60% of the DoULike users have said that they decide whether to read further or not just by the first sentence.
    • Read in detail later, but just know that online dating users find the story-telling approach to be the most engaging.
    • Challenging the viewers in some funny challenges is one of the most effective classic examples of keeping men engaged.
    • Try to entwine some of your life experiences with metaphors of legendary characters.
  10. You’re senior and you think you have to wait till your next birth to join an online dating site again?

    Millenniums have crossed the barrier when dating after 50 was just fancy dreams. Still, dating profiles for senior women are different from the young-adults in quite a few distinct ways:

    • At this point of age, having a clear view on exactly what kind of a person you are looking for before joining an online dating site is quite a fold more important.
    • As a person who has already spent a magnificent number of years, merely embellishing the profile with what you do and what’s your hobby; it’s always better to cater your life experience so far in a form of a story.
    • Don’t hide anything. Show what you are. You are the best version of yourself.
    • Talk more about your passions than your hobby.
    • Don’t talk in clichés terms. The beauty of your age is that you’ve crossed that age; come on!

Creating a successful profile and getting committed with the man you have always dreamt of is easy. Then why most of the profiles still fail to achieve that? Yes, you’ve got it right. The problem is with the effort; it is the proper utilization of it!

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Example of women

Writing your online dating profile is the first and most important step when using online Christian Dating Services. However, while almost all the top internet Christian matchmaking services offer free trial memberships where you can post an online dating profile, very few offer dating profile writing tips. The purpose of this article is to gve you some practical steps toward writing a successful dating profile.

Before beginning to write your dating profile, consider what your actual goals are. For most Christian singles, an online dating profile serves as a “resume” used not only to attract interested singles, but most importantly to attract the quality of person you desire in a soulmate.

Top Dating Profile Tips

Considering the following online dating profile tips when writing your own profile will help you find the dating relationship you are seeking.

  1. Start by being honest. Being honest when writing a dating profile means not exaggerating on topics like physical appearance, job or financial staus. As my one friend stated; “His profile stated he was 6’1″, but when we met it was more like meeting a Hobbit.” That’s funny but sad. The lesson here is that writing a truthful dating profile can save you time and embarrassment. Be yourself and remember that you are looking for the person who will accept you for who you are, not for what you think they want you to be.

  2. When describing yourself in your dating profile freely express your values and interests. This is your opportunity to separate yourself from other dating profiles by telling people not only what you like, but why you like what you do. For example, many profiles state that the person loves the beach, but most don’t expound on what they like about the beach. Writing your dating profile this way makes for much more interesting reading. and lets the reader see part of the real you.

  3. Write to your target audience. What do we mean by that? Write your dating profile as if you were addressing an actual person, that particular soul mate you have been praying about meeting. Writing this way will instill passion in your writing, and save time by weeding out those single people who you would have no interest in dating anyway.

  4. Practice using a sense of humor in your dating profile. Having a sense of humor breaks down barriers and lets those reading your dating profile sense that you are a real and fun person.

  5. Don’t make your dating profile too long, because that can be boring and tedious for a reader. They told me this in seminary, and we can apply this to a dating profile: Always leave them wanting more! Dating profile experts (yes, there are such things :)) suggest a profile no longer than 250 words. The breakdowen should as follows: 150 words should describe yourself; 100 words or so could describe the mate or spouse you are seeking.

  6. Use a nice photo of yourself in the dating profile. That usually means a close up with not much flesh revealed. Research shows that those folks who include a photo in their profile get 15 times the amount of readers than those who choose not to use them. A couple words of caution here. Do I need to remind you to make it a recent photo? Did you know pics with sunglasses are not cool, but make people think you are hiding something? Okay, I’m done preaching.

  7. Finally, make sure you use a spell checker (I should talk). By using a text editor you can also cut and paste your profile on different sites, saving lots of time and hassle in case you want to modify it.

Example Of Women's Dating Profiles


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Examples Of Christian Dating Profiles For Females Female

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