Gay Dating Site


Welcome to the best free dating site on the web. We know online dating can be frustrating, so we built our site with one goal in mind: Make online dating free, easy, and fun for everyone. Finding a date with Mingle2 has never been simpler. Our singles community is massive, and you're only a couple of clicks away from finding a date. Our LGBT dating site is a serious platform full of well-educated, mature and eligible singles; on average our members are in their mid-forties, but members typically range from 30-55 years old. They’re looking for the right one and they’re willing to give love a chance, no matter where it comes from. Gay Dating at! The first, largest and secure dating site solely dedicated to gay males seeking quality, long-term relationships!If you are just looking for a one-night stand, this is not the site for you. Are you looking for a great man? Do you wish you could find an easy and convenient way to meet someone without dealing with the crowds of the clubs and bars? Organise gay hook-ups with Irving singles. If you are eager to plan gay hook-ups and want to meet gay men in Irving, our online site is for you. More and more local gay men are signing up for our service all the time, and there is somebody for everyone here.


Longterm relationships

6 out 10 dates at PlentyOfRainbows end in a long term relationship. We put our efforts into matching serious singles to create a longterm relationship with potential.

Romantic Matching System
Gay Dating Site

Based on your profile answers we will automatically match you with people having filled in the same interests. This way it's easier for you to find a match you have most in common with.

100% FREE

This community is 100% free and always will be. Put your credit card away, just have fun and meet your dream partners.

Genuine Folks

Thousands of genuine people are looking for same you are, ready to date and play 24 hours a day. PlentyOfRainbows was created for gay men and women to find their dream partners for serious relationships, however simple dating and casual sex was added for some extra spice.

Dating Diaries
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Share your experiences, the good and the bad from previous dates and relationships. It gives your potential match a great insight on who you are.

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Serious rules

You can do literally anything on PlentyofRainbows. However we do not tolerate harrassments, discrimination or any other form of respectless behavior. An administration team is on duty 24/7 to filter out folks that don't respect or accept this one SIMPLE and serious rule.

In Summary

Gay Dating Sites For Laptop

Connect With Other Gay and Bisexual Men For Free! Experience Interest-Based Dating, advanced search and More. Registration is Quick and Easy!