Saw You At Sinai Matchmaker


Web site: SawYouatSinai. Summary: SawYouatSinai is a dating site with a business model unlike any other. Although initially focused on the observant Jewish market, their matchmaker-based model is applicable to the broader non-Jewish community. Nov 15, 2020 Warning: public matchmaker notes - Read our users' comments on a user review of Saw You at Sinai and find out what our readers thought of this particular user review. Visit the Saw You At Sinai Matchmaker Login page using the link below. Fill in your username and password. Once done, you will see the login page. If you still can't access Saw You At Sinai Matchmaker Login then see our 2021 troubleshooting guide. Jewish Dating During These Times By Jewish Dating site SawYouAtSinai’s matchmaker Yifat Schulsinger The last few weeks is hitting us in areas of life we never anticipated. My husband goes to work in the hospital daily to treat patients, while I am at home with the kids.

I found out that even though my account is disabled on SYAS there are numerous matchmaker notes (probably from people that I don’t even know) saying negative things about me. I wasn’t supposed to find out about this because matchmaker notes are kept private and members aren’t supposed to know what they say. But several people connected with the site informed me that these notes were written.

The way that SYAS matchmaker notes work is regardless of whether or not they are your assigned matchmaker or whether or not they know you they can leave a note about you. Basically, it’s a bunch of random people (who are matchmakers on SYAS) leaving lashon hara about the members. The notes don’t need to be facts.. they can just be opinions.. and even though in theory they are supposed to be based on truth they can be complete lies.. and if it is a lie since the member is totally oblivious to the note and is never asked if the information is true or not they don’t get a chance to refute it. So the notes work as a rumor mill, random matchmakers sharing their thoughts on random members. It’s lashon hara at its finest.

Judaism speaks strongly against lashon hara. And I would hate to see someone miss out on a Shidduch because of this practice on the part of SYAS.

Saw You At Sinai Matchmaker

I urge Rabbonim and others who support and/or use the SYAS site to speak out against this practice. Hopefully, that will encourage SYAS to change this policy and end the practice of matchmaker notes being done this way.

Originally published on Andrea Karshan A Collection of Articles

'Matchmaker, matchmaker, match me a match... Find me a find, catch me a catch... Matchmaker, matchmaker, look through your book and find me the perfect match.'SawyouatsinaiSaw You At Sinai Matchmaker

Saw You At Sinai Matchmaker Login

(Or something like that. It's been a while since I saw Fiddler.) Heard anything about Saw You At Sinai, the (relatively) new matchmaking service? Here's an article from the Blueprint on the service. And I also found a few bloggers who have undergone 'The SawYouAtSinai Experience': Rabbi Josh Yuter describes how matchmakers decided his bashert was his ex-girlfriend. Meredith's experience was totally different. She was set up with someone who was paralyzed from the neck down. Click here to read the letter of complaint she sent to the Saw You At Sinai administrators. We need to hope that somewhere people are having good experiences with the fledgling service, but so far, I've not found any. If you have had a good experience with, why not share your experience with the group? Post a comment here, or if you're shy, drop me a line. My Carrie Bradshaw moment on matchmaking: We're always asking matchmakers to look through their books and find us the perfect match. But what if our match isn't even in their book? What if matchmakers are checking out their books from the wrong library?