Search Tinder By Username


Ever wondered how to find out if your boyfriend is on Tinder? It seems to be one of the biggest questions in any relationship. So, is he on Tinder?

Search Tinder By Username

As Tinder grows in popularity all over the world, more and more men are trying out the platform and as any female Tinder user can tell you, many of the potential matches in the site are either married or in a relationship but still cheating on Tinder.

It is expected that the Tinder community team will take necessary measures, which may result in deleting the violator’s profile or banning the user. Is Tinder the best dating site/app? Tinder is the most famous of all dating apps, operational worldwide as an app and on the web with loads of amazing features. It ranks as the best dating app. The Super Update also performs a search in that specific location and tell you whether that profile is being seen by other Tinder users as that moment. So, if the location hasn’t changed but the profile is still appearing for other users, that is usually a strong indicator of the user having recently used Tinder.

There are different studies saying that as many as 42% of Tinder users are in a relationship and 30% are married, as mentioned in this Daily Dot article. Leaving a significant other curious of how to check if their boyfriend is on Tinder and many spouses wondering how to find out if their husband on Tinder. A Global Web Index study also says men outnumber women on Tinder. Even if the number isn’t that high, the suggestion is a scary prospect for any girl in a relationship.


So when asking the question, how to find out if your boyfriend is on dating sites, the first place to look for seems to be Tinder. As this is the most popular dating platform of our age, chances are that if your boyfriend or husband has online dating profiles, he will be on Tinder, so it might be more useful to ask yourself, how to find out if my boyfriend is on Tinder?

Is my husband on dating sites… is my husband is on Tinder? This was a complete mystery until only recently when this became something real, and this is why Cheaterbuster (Formerly known as Swipebuster or Swipe buster) is so useful. In terms of how to find out if your boyfriend on Tinder, it is the fastest way, by searching millions of profiles instantly and locally.

How to find out if your boyfriend or husband is on tinder. The steps are incredibly simple:

Cheaterbuster (Formerly known as Swipebuster or Swipe buster) searches the area and shows you the most accurate results for that age, gender, and location. Now, users can quickly glance at all the different profiles and answer the question: is he on Tinder? It’s that simple. If the first search does not yield the person you were looking for, our large package includes three searches so you can try 2 more locations. Cheaterbuster is how to find out if your boyfriend is on Tinder by searching around their office, or his favorite pub or bar.

Secret Social Profile Search Engines

In addition, Cheaterbuster works great for situations where your boyfriend or husband is on a business trip. Say your significant other is going to Las Vegas, if they are secretly using Tinder, surely that will be a place where they will likely use it. So, is my husband on Tinder? How will I know if he’s hundreds or thousands of miles away well? Cheaterbuster works for any location. Just enter the address for his hotel, or office for the trip and Cheaterbuster will search that area to see if your boyfriend or husband has recently been using Tinder in that area.

How To Search On Tinder

In addition to searching through millions of profiles, all the men who have recently used Tinder in that specific location will pop up. If your husband has online dating profiles, then chances are he will be using the most popular one, and if you want to search in the most popular one, Cheaterbuster is the best place to do it.

So let’s assume you just caught your husband on a dating site, in our case Tinder. There are many reasons why they could have an account so don’t panic just yet! While asking for honesty is the most civilized way to resolve this issue, it might not be available to every couple.

One of the things that you can review is the pictures that your husband or boyfriend is using in that dating profile. Are they new? Did he take the pictures after we started dating? During our break? That’s one of the easiest ways to find out the timeline of their usage. We also have a feature called a Super Update that tells you the location, within a mile, of where they last used Tinder. Say you find them on your first search, then you do a Super Update a few days later, if that location changes, it means they used it in the time in between. The Super Update also performs a search in that specific location and tell you whether that profile is being seen by other Tinder users as that moment. So, if the location hasn’t changed but the profile is still appearing for other users, that is usually a strong indicator of the user having recently used Tinder. As you can see, Cheaterbuster is the go-to way to answer: is he on Tinder?. If the location changed AND the user was found during the search, well, a conversation might be in order.

Many couples have different rules about how they approach dating, sometimes being on a dating profile isn’t the end of the world. But that should be for you to decide, and transparency is what we offer on Cheaterbuster, so feel free to check out our FAQ if you have any further questions or doubts.

Tinder users may have noticed a change in the app’s Discovery Settings over the past few weeks, which went largely unnoticed during the app’s recent update.

Search Tinder By Username

The popular dating app, which recently rolled out the latest improvements to its algorithm and profiles, has taken a step towards cementing a desktop presence, with the introduction of Tinder Web Profiles.

Tinder users are now able to create a web profile, by claiming a username (Ã la Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) in the app’s Discovery Settings.

They can then share this online, making a basic version of their profile accessible on desktop and mobile web.

These profiles have their own specific URL that includes their username, for example, as it is for Tinder CEO Sean Rad, whose profile you can see above.

And if a user opens up one of these URLs on mobile and clicks “Like Me On Tinder”, the dating app will open and take them directly to that person’s profile.

If the person doesn’t have Tinder installed, it will take them to the app store, so they can download the dating app.

This means that singles can share their own Tinder profile online, on their social media accounts for example, which other people can then share, making it a clever user acquisition tool.

In a blog post announcing the recent changes, Tinder explained the feature, saying: “Choose your username and share a link to your profile on the web or social media if you’d like.

“Your username and web link will remain hidden; only you can see your web link, and only you can decide to share it. Sharing your profile allows more people to see it and can get you more matches.”

Other new features released in Tinder’s recent update include the addition of job and education information to profiles, and the introduction of Smart Profiles, which dynamically highlight the most relevant information about a potential match.

Search Tinder By Username

Changes were also made to the app’s design, with its messaging interface seeing a complete refurbishment.

How To Search Tinder By Name

Tinder now separates the conversations with people you have matched with from the ones who users have not yet spoken to, listing them above the active chats.

Tinder User Name Search

Find out more about the latest update here.