Website To Meet Friends Not Dating

Website To Meet Friends Not Dating helps you meet platonic friends online that you can connect with in real life. Our members are people like you looking for hiking partners, dining companions, drinking buddies, a friend to go see a movie with, someone to play tennis with, or a great new best friend. Who’s on the site? 80% female, 20% male; Average age is about 33. These platforms are specifically dedicated to matching people, but they are not dating sites or dating apps. They are friendship apps that allow individuals from all over the world (or locally, if you narrow down your search) to meet and become friends. Dating sites Login. Send me a message via our online forum or ask a question on the forum and I will reply directly. Send me a text message via one of the following messaging channels: WhatsApp (if you don’t know your personal phone number, we can give it to you. Please give us your number in your online profile). helps you meet platonic friends online that you can connect with in real life. Our members are people like you looking for hiking partners, dining companions, drinking buddies, a friend to go see a movie with, someone to play tennis with, or a great new best friend.

Feeling Lonely?

You're Not Alone.

FriendMatch is an international social networking service that helps people meet and make new friends, both locally and worldwide. It is a place to make real connections, whether online, to talk to and connect from afar, or in person, for coffees, walks, or to hang out.

Launched in 2011 on Dragons’ Den, FriendMatch has answered the question, “How to make friends?” for more than 6 million people and counting.

FriendMatch is a social networking tool for Making Friends

Once upon a time, it was easy to make friends, but now there are so many challenges that we did not used to have, thwarting our efforts make genuine friendships with people.

With more pressure to work and less time for leisure, there is less time to connect with our friends.

Social Networks like Facebook and Instagram have been proven to have the opposite effect - making people more lonely than ever!

Modern neighbourhoods are not designed to embrace staying home and getting to know your neighbours as much as they used to.

When you move to a new city or neighbourhood, how are you supposed to make new friends in your new location?

We tackle some of these situations in our blog, but we also believe that a modern problem needs a modern solution.

At FriendMatch, our community is devoted to making it easier to find real friends, whether that is a friend you keep online or in person.

We keep our features simple - profiles, direct messages, and a search tool for finding friends.

Everyone on FriendMatch is here because they are looking for the same thing - new friends.

There is no activity feed, no news feed, no distractions. Just genuine connections.

We help people of all Ages and Genders to Make Friends

While there are finally some other friendship apps catching up with the need to make finding friends easier, FriendMatch is the only place where you can make a friend with someone of any gender. This is important, because women are not the only ones who want an easier way to find friends!

Website To Meet Friends Not Dating Online

In fact, in a recent poll on our site, we discovered that 90% of our members are open to making friends with any gender, not just their own.

We also help people of all different ages to find friends - because loneliness is a rising issue that affects the young and old alike.

Authenticity is Important to Us

Other social networks and matchmaking networks, including dating apps and dating sites, are notorious for creating fake bots and fake profiles to fill out their community. We are proud to say that we have never done this - every member you find on FriendMatch is real.

We're not here to play games - we're here to make friends!

We Evolve - with Help from You, our Community

Watch out for our new mobile app - coming soon!

It's important to us that we can help you. This is why we have real people, not bots, answering your questions and taking your feedback, on our social networks, (we are on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram) and with our email support.

We take polls and collect constant feedback from you so that we can serve you better.

You can help us too! If you like what we're doing, you can help us grow by spreading the word!

A FriendMatch World: Our Mission, Vision and Values

The FriendMatch Mission

To help men and women worldwide to make new friends, from nearby or around the world.

The FriendMatch Vision

In a FriendMatch world, friends gather for brunches, book clubs, or just to hang out. Couples host cheerful dinner parties and runners all have running partners. We motivate and inspire each other, we are happier and healthier to share our experiences.


No one is lonely because in a FriendMatch world, you can look beyond your usual circles to find a friend that really understands you.

There’s a friend out there for everyone, and we can find each other because of FriendMatch.

FriendMatch Values

Community, Authenticity, Loyalty, Friendship, Empathy, Fun!

What is FriendMatch?

FriendMatch is a place online where you can go to meet new people and make new friends.

You might be interested in using FriendMatch to meet new friends who live near you, or you might be interested in using the service to meet and connect with interesting new friends with common interests from around the world.

FriendMatch works like a dating website, except that it is matchmaking for friends, not for dating. Start by searching for friends in your desired location, or search for a new friend by interests, such as 'running' or 'hobby chicken farming' in our Friend Search page.

If you see someone interesting, send them a message or a friend request.

It can take a few weeks to find a good FriendMatch, and we recommend sending several messages to several different friend possibilities for best results.

How much does FriendMatch cost?

FriendMatch is free to use - you can make as many friends as you want to and send as many messages as you want.

Our service is supported by advertisements, to create a free experience for our members.

We want to make it easier to make new friends for people around the world - if you have suggestions or feedback, please send it straight to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Is FriendMatch a dating site?

No, it’s not a dating site. A lot of our members are happily married!

So please don’t try to ask FriendMatch members out on dates.

They are on here just to find new friends and people to hang out with.

How can I use FriendMatch to meet new people or make a new friend?

  1. Start by filling out your profile and including a photo, so that new friends can find you.
  2. Next, use our 'Search Friends' page to browse or search our members to see if the right friend is there waiting for you.

---> If you don’t find someone during your search who might be a good fit for your next friend, then try using fewer search parameters at first.

3. Start a friendship by sending a message or a friendship request and introducing yourself. An easy way to do this is to say something about their profile.
---> Or just say what feels natural.

4. Use the FriendMatch messaging system to get to know each other.

5. If you are finding a good friend connection, you can also take the friendship off FriendMatch!

You can solidify your new friendship by meeting in person, or just keep your friendship online - the choice is yours!

Website To Meet Friends Not Dating

Once you have met in person, naturally you might exchange contact information like phone numbers, email addresses, or connect on a social network such as Facebook.

Ta-da! You have made a new friend!

How Can I get more search results when looking for friends?

If you have trouble finding as many search results as you are hoping for, try using fewer search terms. Start with just one or two, then, after reviewing the results of your search, you can continue to add more search terms - keep going until you find exactly the types of friends you are looking for.

Help! I have not received my confirmation email!

The number one reason this happens is because it is in our spam, junkmail, or promotions box - please check there first!

If you still have not received it, please email our support team and we'll help to get you started!

Any tips for success with finding new friends?

Yes! 4 tips:

  1. Complete your profile. It’s not a dating site, so posting a nice picture isn’t enough to cut it. Introduce yourself on your profile. Give other members an idea of what types of friends you are looking for.

---> Don’t be one of those people who says, “Ask me to find out” in their “About Me” section. Boring!

2. Be patient. If the right friend isn’t signed up yet in your area, wait and check again later. New members are signing up every day, so don’t give up!

3. Be proactive. Search for friends using the browse and search tools. Send messages and introduce yourself. Approach several different people for best results, because not everyone will respond to every message. Being proactive is the fastest way to start making new friends – much faster than waiting for someone cool to approach you!

4. Be Safe. Please follow our safety guidelines and use common sense when meeting new people.

What happens after I make a new friend on FriendMatch?

Enjoy the friendship!

If you want to make another new friend, or add to your squad, come back to FriendMatch to meet more people.

Unlike a dating site, there is nothing wrong with going back to FriendMatch for more friends once you’ve made your first successful match!

If I don't like the experience, how can I delete my account?

Log into your account and navigate to, 'view profile' from the bottom menu.

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From your profile, select, 'settings' and in the settings page, select, 'remove account'.

Is There A Website To Meet Just Friends

If you have trouble, simply email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll delete your account for you.

Why are people using FriendMatch?

We live in a fast-paced modern world. Maybe we keep so busy that we ran out of time to make new friends. Sometimes we move to a new location and need new friends in our area.

It's also fun and interesting to connect with new international friends from around the world. If you run a small farm in Vermont, U.S.A., wouldn't it be cool to compare farming methods with someone from Tuscany?

Imagine having a new friend to show you the best local spots next time you travel!

The Internet helps us to find all the things we need – groceries, dates, shopping, work – so why shouldn’t it also help us to make new friends?

What kind of people are on FriendMatch?

All kinds!

FriendMatch members are men and women of all ages, and teens too.

FriendMatch members are from around the world – you can make a friend in your own neighbourhood or meet a new friend from a different country.

Is it safe to meet people online?

It is up to you to make it safe!

Yes, it is now commonplace for people to meet in person after meeting online.

But remember to follow these common sense rules before meeting someone new for the first time:

  1. Tell someone else where you are going, who you are meeting, and when you’ll be back.
  2. Meet in a public place.
  3. Protect your real identity until you can trust your new friend.
  4. Don't let your new friend know where you live or work until you have built a trusting relationship.

What do I do if someone is spamming me or bugging me?

You can use the “report” button on their profile to report the member, or you can send an email directly to FriendMatch at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can also block the user so they can't contact you by choosing the block button on their profile.

If a user is threatening you it is best to contact your local police or authorities as well as report it to FriendMatch.

What do I do if someone is hitting on me?


Sometimes FriendMatch is like going to a social gathering. You’re wearing your wedding ring, talking with your friends, and then some creep comes over and says, “Hey! Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?” Or whatever pickup line. We try to make it really clear that FriendMatch is not meant for dating, but some people just don’t get it!

You can use the 'block' button to block and ignore this member, or you can use the “report” button on their profile to report the member if they are acting inappropriate, or you can send an email directly to FriendMatch at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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And you can ignore them.

Is there a FriendMatch App?

Not right now. FriendMatch is a website, but it is mobile optimized, so you can browse and enjoy FriendMatch from your phone.

The goal is to create an app in the future - please stay tuned!

Website To Meet Friends Not Dating Videos

I really like this idea but I wish some features were different. What should I do?

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Thank you!

Website To Meet Friends Not Dating People

FriendMatch is still a work in progress. Join us on Facebook to share your ideas, or send them straight to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.