Coffee Meets Bagel Success

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  2. Is Coffee Meets Bagel Successful

Coffee Meets Bagel Review

Is the Coffee Meets Bagel (CMB) dating app better or worse than other popular dating apps like Bumble or Tinder? How does Coffee Meets Bagel compare with these popular options?

Mark Cuban made the show's largest offer to the creators of Coffee Meets Bagel to buy the company, but they walked away and were able to secure $23.2 million in funding to date. Invest in a photo shoot or have a friend take pictures of you. Follow these tips and you should find success. 1) no selfies = they show you are lonely and have too much time in your hands 2) pictures of you with a group of people = this shows you are sociable 3) If there are images of you make sure they are symmetrical, people like symmetrical things.

We researched Coffee Meets Bagel and combed the internet for detailed user feedback and reviews. Here’s a quick but complete summary of our findings.

How Does Coffee Meets Bagel Work?

Coffee Meets Bagel prides themselves on their algorithmic matching, and only handpicks a couple suggested users for you to like each day at noon.

Women only see users who have already liked them in their suggested list.

If you’re not into your suggestions, you can always browse through profiles in the “discover” tab of the app.

Does Coffee Meets Bagel Cost $?

Coffee Meets Bagel Success

How much does Coffee Meets Bagel cost? Nothing.


Coffee Meets Bagel is free to use, but like Tinder Plus and Bumble Boost, they offer a paid premium service with some extra perks (like increasing the amount of profiles you can like each day), and it costs from $20-$35/month. You’ll get the best deal on Premium if you commit to 6 months up front.

Like Bumble coins, CMB has their own in-app currency “beans” you’ll need to purchase to access premium and other perks. You can also earn free beans just by using the app.

Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App PROS

Coffee Meets Bagel limits the amount of users you can like to five per day, which greatly discourages the swipe-now-look-later spirit of apps like Tinder. Thus, Coffee Meets Bagel attracts users who are more discerning and review whole profiles, not just pics.

There are more women on the app than men. Coffee Meets Bagel has a ratio of about 60/40 women to men. This helps everyone out — women get to be more selective, and men don’t need to worry about competing with tons of other guys.

CMB limits how long you can chat before setting up a date. You only have 7 days after matching to get to business and exchange info and/or plan an IRL meeting. This eliminates the who’s-going-to-make-the-first-move game, and cookie-jarring matches to hit up later.

Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App CONS

Fewer opportunities for matching — Because CMB only shows users a handful of profiles each day, it can take longer than other apps to get matches. This longer process can feel discouraging for users who want a more min/max experience.

There’s no desktop version of Coffee Meets Bagel.

Some users have complained that not enough people are on the app, making high-quality match material more of a scarcity.

Overall Takeaway: ✔️

We can conclude our review by saying that Coffee Meets Bagel is a pretty cool dating app, and can be a refreshing change from the endless swiping game of Tinder and Bumble. We like CMB’s mentality that more doesn’t always equal better, and it can be a more fulfilling experience to carefully review a handful of profiles than swipe through hundreds.

How to Optimize Your Coffee Meets Bagel Profile?

Good pics.

Seriously, you can’t underestimate how much good pics matter, especially for apps that attract discerning users like Coffee Meets Bagel.

With the wrong pics, you can end up with 0 matches. The right pics can change your dating life completely.

Test your dating pics on Photofeeler to make sure you’re using your best ones.

Go to now and give it a try!

Want more about CMB? Check out:
Fiona Eckersley

What are the Pros and Cons of CoffeeMeetsBagel?

Free texting
More question to be able to find better matches
Website provides ice-breaks or conversation starters
Limited criteria for suggested women (physical appearance)
Texting is available only for a week

About CoffeeMeetsBagel

Yeah, the name is unique and strange for a CoffeeMeetsBagel dating site. The website creators are going by the idea that the right Coffee (the man) meets the right woman (bagels). It was created by 3 sisters (Arum, Dawoon, and Soo Kang). It started in around 2012 and quickly got a huge investment of $600,000.

Division of the Membership Base

As women like to be selective and choose every little detail while purchasing lipstick, the CoffeeMeetsBagel website authors wanted to give that freedom while choosing a man. CoffeeMeetsBagel gives the woman the freedom to like a man based on the details provided. That is while the ratio of women: men is 60:40. That is how you get a few bagels whom you can “pass”, “like”, or “priority like”.
The age demographics suggested that 60% of the users are between 30 and 50 years old. The younger age group is limited to about 30% of all the users.

Does CoffeeMeetsBagel App Exist?

CoffeeMeetsBagel first started as an iOS app in 2012. The app was welcomed with success by the singles; an Android version was released in 2015. In 2018, they started a website so that everyone without a smartphone can access this dating platform CoffeeMeetsBagel. It was a strange transition from a dating mobile application to a CoffeeMeetsBagel website.
Mark Cuban offered the website a huge amount of about $30 million, but they turned it down. It appeared in Shark Tank and was by far the largest offer. It was free publicity for the dating website.

About Costs and Prices

Are the purchasing options worth it for CoffeeMeetsBagel? Let’s find out.
Beans are the dating website’s currency. You pay money to get more beans. Use beans to unlock older profiles or more bagels:
Premium Membership Plans:

CoffeeMeetsBagel Special Features?

Let us go through a few special features in CoffeeMeetsbagel:
  • You meet people you like and are not spammed by unwanted messages
  • More women on this app and website
  • You cannot browse profiles, and therefore, you don’t spend a lot of time
  • Internal website currency is available, and you can get by more at even $2

How is the Safety of CoffeeMeetsBagel?

Well, there are not many complaints related to scamming or getting catfished on the website. The website and app have a system to pick up on fake CoffeeMeetsBagel profiles, but it is safe to say that the system is not full-proof. Remember not to send money to your match; that is usually the biggest scam.

Our Experience on CoffeeMeetsBagel

How was our experience on Bumble? Well, I am amazed at how much it has to offer more than just dating. Here is a break-up of how we felt at each step:

Sign up Process

You can use your Facebook profile to sign up on this CoffeeMeetsBagel service. Your name, age, and photos will be transferred automatically. You can use the phone number to verify your profile instead of your Facebook profile. There are few short questions for your profile that will be helpful to find bagels. They include “I am….”, “I like….”, and “I appreciate when my date…..”
There are a few prompts on this CoffeeMeetsBagel platform that can help you find compatible matches. It is better to answer the profile questions because if the girl is thinking between pass or like, those questions can be decisive.

Profile Creation

Profile creation is quite easy. You don't need to answer everything. But if you fail to answer all the questions, it is unlikely that you would receive any matches. The app gives you a series of questions about you, what you like, and what you would like your date to do. Also, the CoffeeMeetsBagel website provides some prompts which serve in finding better matches. Each answer has a limit of 276 characters. Use them wisely. Ditch the articles and use short phrases. Talk about your position at work, your passions, hobbies.

Searching and Matchmaking

Well, as you already know, the app is focused on better dating. Therefore, they have a concept of coffee, getting an option of various bagels. The women go through the profiles that fit their requirements and put a like on some of them. Later the guys get all the bagels’ requests, and they choose the ones they like.
There is an option of “Suggested Bagels” and “Discover Bagels”. In “Suggested bagels”, you get to either choose “Pass”, “Like,” or “Priority Like” over the requests that you get. You can search bagels based on height, age, distance, ethnicity, and religion in the later section.

Contacting Other Members

How will I contact other people? Easy! Once the Coffee and the Bagel like each other, you get to text for free for 7 days. Also, the Coffee should remember that the Bagel is available for only 24 hours. So, there are certain limitations while contacting. Premium CoffeeMeetsBagel members have the dating opportunity to contact 8 bagels while others get to talk to one at a time.
Those CoffeeMeetsBagel chat rooms are exquisitely sophisticated. The app offers amazing ice-breakers in the conversation. For example Marta said, “she was a ballet dancer during high school”, ask her more about that.
To finalize, we would like to say that this dating website has a straightforward protocol to find and meet people. Their matchmaking strategy is beyond compare. Also, people don’t get overwhelmed with too many options. It is great for singles for casual dating. That casual dating might lead to something special.
The app has its limitations, but that can be overcome by using my beans (money). It has an amazing UI, and the animations are quite delightful. Usability would be 3 stars for the website and 5 stars for the app. The dating profiles are nicely placed and detailed.


How many messages can I send?

You can send as many dating messages as you want to one person if you are a free member. With the CoffeeMeetsBagel premium membership, you can send messages to 8 people.

How long does it take to approve my profile?

Coffee Meets Bagel Success

It takes around 3-5 minutes to get your dating profile approved. There is no ID verification. You can use your Facebook to speed up things.

Is Coffee Meets Bagel Successful

Is CoffeeMeetsBagel safe?

There have been no complaints about threats and scams. The platform works to prevent fake dating profiles from being uploaded, and the photos undergo strict scrutiny.

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